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2017年09月17日 20:00  点击:[]

冯宜彬,男,1986年11月生,甘肃景泰县人,中共党员,2014年毕业于三峡大学应用数学专业, 获理学硕士学位,研究方向为凸几何分析,同年进入欧洲杯正规下单平台参加工作。已发表和录用15篇科研论文,其中SCI收录11篇。2012年获得三峡大学研究生科研创新基金项目(No.2012CX075),同年荣获三峡大学第十届研究生“求索”论坛“十大学术科研创新标兵”; 2013年获得三峡大学硕士学位论文培优基金项目(No.2013PY068);2014年,获得三峡大学优秀硕士学位论文;2015年,获得欧洲杯正规下单平台青年教师科研基金项目1项(No.2015-02)(在研)。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2 项(编号:1151020和11371224)(在研)。担任SCI期刊《Journal of Inequalities and Applications》, 《Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications》以及核心期刊《Wuhan Universit6y Journal of Natural Sciences》的审稿人。主要讲授高等数学课程。


1.Feng Yibinand Wang Weidong,Lp-Dual Mixed Geominimal Surface Area,Glasgow Math. J.,56(2014),1:229-239.(SCI)

2.Feng Yibinand Wang Weidong,General Lp-Harmonic Blaschke Bodies,P. Indian Math. Soc.,124(2014),1:109-119.(SCI)

3.Feng Yibinand Wang Weidong,Some Inequalities for Lp-Dual Affine Surface Area,Math. Inequal. Appl.17(2014),2:431-441.(SCI)

4.Feng Yibinand Wang Weidong,Shephard Type Problems for Lp-Centroid Bodies,Math. Inequal. Appl.17(2014),3:865-877.(SCI)

5.Feng Yibinand Wang Weidong,The Shephard Type Problems and Monotonicity for Lp-Mixed Centroid Bodies,Indian J. Pure Appl. Math.45(2014), 3:265-283. (SCI)

6.Feng Yibin,Wang Weidong and Yuan Jun,Differences of Quermass- and Dual Quermassintegrals of Blaschke-Minkowski and Radial Blaschke-Minkowski Homomorphisms,B. Belg. Math. Soc-Sim.,21(2014):577-592.(SCI)

7.Feng Yibin,Wang Weidong and Lu Fenghong,Some Inequalities on General Lp-Centroid Bodies,Math. Inequal. Appl.,18(2015), 1:39-49.(SCI)

8.Feng Yibinand Wang Weidong,Blaschke-Minkowski Homomorphisms and Affine Surface Area,Publ. Math. Debrecen.,85(2014), 3-4:297-308.(SCI)

9.Feng Yibinand Wang Weidong, General Mixed Chord-Integrals of Star Bodies,Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics,(SCI). (to appear)

10.Feng Yibin, Wang Weidong and Yuan Jun, Inequalities for Quermassintegrals About Mixed Blaschke Minkowski Homomorphisms,Tamkang Journal of Mathematics,46(2015), 3:217-227.(国际权威)

11. Wang Weidong andFeng Yibin,A General Lp-Version of Petty’s Affine Projection Inequality,Taiwan J. Math.17(2013),2:517-528. (SCI)

12. Guo Jinsheng andFeng Yibin (通讯作者), Lp-Dual Geominimal Surface Area and General Lp-Centroid Bodies,J. Inequal. Appl.,(2015),2015: 358. (SCI)

13.Feng Yibin,Some Inequalties for Lp-Geominimal Surface Area,IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics. (EI 录用)

14. Ma Tongyi,Feng Yibin,Some Inequalities for p-Geominimal Surface Area,IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics,46(2016),1:92-96. (EI)

15. Ma Tongyi,Feng Yibin,The ith P-Affine Surface Area,Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2015),2015: 187. (SCI)


